Friday, April 3, 2015

Consumatum Est

The Altars are stripped, Christ lays in the tomb, and death, apparently, has won. Now is the judgement of this world, and its redemption.

Consumatum Est.



  1. For some mysterious reason known only to the internet gods, some of your comments are showing up in my email and some are showing up on my blogger dashboard. The last two never made it to Disqus. Hmmmmmmmm...

    Wishing you and Blue Resurrection a joyful Easter, LSP.

  2. I'm sure that you and Blue Companion are too busy (feasting) with the holiday to do much else. And that is as it should be.

    Have a blessed and joyous Easter.

  3. A blessed and joyous Easter to you too, LL.

    I think the feast will involve steaks... I know, it should be lamb, but that's just the way it is.

  4. How can you possibly contemplate eating lamb in Texas? Isn't there a law against that?

    I suspect that there is against sheep roping. Something about activities that are "beneath human dignity"?

  5. Blessed be this Easter, Padre and Blue Redemption. A T-bone is a fitting gift of celebration.

  6. You might be right, LL. But I do like roast lamb when I'm in England, or Wales. Some think that roast lamb is Wales' one redeeming quality.

  7. Thanks, Brighid. I'm looking forward to that steak...
