Thursday, March 5, 2015


The snow started to come down fast a little before midnight; I found that exciting. Of course snow used to be rare in Texas, before it got colder because it's hotter.

Blue Ice Age had fun romping about in the white stuff this morning, though he seemed angry at the kids making snowmen on the sidewalks. I don't know why.

And now it's melting away, like the membership of the Episcopal Church itself, which keeps losing lawsuits and still keeps suing. Like a snowblind crazy person.

Be careful on the ice,



  1. Blue Gore has the right idea. I'm sure that the kids were making snow mail men for him to savage.

    Global warming is throwing us into another ice age - unless you live in Southern California where the really cold days get down into the 60's and the warm days are in the high 80's.

  2. I was wondering about the mail truck connection.

    As for the new Ice Age, well, not everything's bad about California...

  3. Blue is just showing his machismo...

  4. snowmen just don't make sense. I would be perturbed, too, if I were a dog. Just leave the snow all pretty-like! Stop mashing it into these ugly forms!
    Blue Aesthetic knows what he's doing.

    It's like mail trucks. The steering wheel is on the wrong side. VERY DISTURBING to Blue orderly.

  5. Must be quite nice to have a real winter at last, to offset the ferocious summers Texas gets.

  6. Brighid, I think you're right.

  7. I hadn't thought about the steering wheel aspect, Jenny.

  8. It definitely makes a change, Lukeya. The summers do get quite warm. And I like the snow when it's coming down. It feels adventurous to me.
