Thursday, March 12, 2015

Pink Panto Pogrom?

As you're busy contemplating the artistic genius of Sting, perhaps you're thinking that the Pink Revolution, which has swept our great nation, is all about the rich rainbow hues of tolerant diversity. This is what Rod Dreher thinks:

"It never was going to be enough for progressives to get gay marriage and discrimination against LGBTs outlawed except for within religious organizations. Now the push from progressive elites will be to tear down the wall protecting religious liberty to punish the wrongthinkers. If you don’t think this is coming, you are a fool. The Law of Merited Impossibility is vindicated more and more each day."

If you don’t think this is coming, you are a fool. The end goal is to outlaw traditional Christianity, i.e. Christianity itself.

You can read the whole thing here, if you like.

God bless,



  1. I'm positive that the walls of Hell are painted with rainbows.

  2. Commit enough thoughtcrime, become an unperson, courtesy the Ministry of Truth. _1984_ was a warning, not a guidebook!

  3. For the historical record, there have been a lot of people who thought to end Christianity...ever since the Jews condemned Christ and the Romans obligingly pounded the nails. Didn't work then and I doubt that some "wankers" (to use a British term) will fare any better than the Roman Empire did.

  4. Very good point, LL. And I'd caution them against making war on the God that they're so set on making an enemy of.

  5. 'Mohareb' I believe the Iranians call it LSP

  6. Mohareb isn't just a Spice Mystic on Dune, eh, Lukeya.
