Saturday, February 21, 2015

Yet More Dhimmwittedness

“Here in America, Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding,” said President Obama to the Summit on Countering Violent Extremism By Nobody In Particular.

How true this is! Many of the Pilgrim Fathers were Muslim, poor, unemployed Muslims, who fled England in search of new opportunities and a Caliphate in the New World.

George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, all Muslims. How galling it must have been for Cornwallis to surrender to the Janissaries of the Continental Army!

No wonder, then, that the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are Islamic documents, establishing Sharia in the North American Ummah. Think of any one of our institutions, movements of thought and the individuals behind them, and you will find Islam, woven warp and weft into the fabric of our great nation. Since its very founding! (that's enough, we get the point -- ed.)

The first Mosque was built in America in 1915, by the way, and I'm off to the range for some personal jihad.

Don't be a dhimmwit,



  1. Obama would like to rewrite history. Unfortunately for him --- beyond the 45% or so of adoring and ignorant negroes, welfare recipients and illegal aliens --- people do know the truth.

  2. His statements on the Religion of Peace are especially pathetic.

  3. Obama still maintains that:

    (1) He is not a Muslim.

    (2) He is not a socialist or a communist.

    (3) He is not homosexual -- all of the time.

    (4) He wants to radically transform America.

  4. Two more years of this guy? Oh brother......

  5. Does he KNOW that simply lying about things doesn't make reality change??? Maybe he just never learned that -- how sad. Now I kind of pity him.

  6. We have to wonder, LL. Transform it into what?

  7. I applaud your compassion, Jenny! But now we all know, about the Muslims who founded our country.

  8. We all know, the only things the Mohammedans contributed to early US history, was a verse in the Marine Corps Hymn, and Jefferson's copy of the Koran, which was only gifted to him to explain why they thought it perfectly fine to attack our ships in the Med.

  9. If he can keep the citizens eating his bs for another two years, he'll likely transform us into slaves for ISIS. (Maybe all the Fifty Shades womenfolk would like that?)

    And what happens if the next president similarly refuses to name evil for what it is? Smart talk does not dissipate evil. Only smart action would. But you can't act on something when you've convinced the population it's harmless.
    This is where telling the truth would really come in handy. But no one ever taught him how... poor obama.

  10. There you go, Mattexian. Right there at the founding!

  11. Jenny, I think the Obama administration's gone beyond self-parody.
