Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Marie Harf Epic Fail

There's a cancer eating away at our world, the deadly, contagious disease of Violent Extremism. Luckily, the University of Virginia is on the case in the form of Marie Harf, who shills for her Harvard overlords.

We can't "kill our way" out of ISIS savagery, she says, instead we've got to get down to the "root causes" of Islamic Violent Extremism that obviously isn't Islamic. Root causes like "lack of opportunity for jobs."

Before you cough up your Ash Wednesday Clam Chowder, take the time to read this, from the Atlantic. Seriously, worth the time.

I disagree with his Salafist antidote, but like the good analysis of the causes that Ms. Harf so epically fails to note. Causes that are, in the end, inherent with Islam itself. Or, to put it another way, why should the followers of the Prophet be expected to behave differently than the Prophet himself?

Good question and, Ms. Harf, you fail.

ISIS continues to laugh.



  1. I'm glad we have people like that running the ObamaNation.

  2. My husband told me that Marie Harf applied for an admin job with SNL and was turned down. Then she got this one. Ironic.

  3. My hubby steered me to the Atlantic article. Very well done.

    As to Barf - she needs a good slap up side her stupid head, a decent grown up haircut, and definitely needs to ditch the horn rims. Hey, Marie - the glasses don't make you look smart. Quite the opposite, actually.

  4. SNL? The State Department? Two jobs, one administration...

  5. The Atlantic article was good, I thought. But Salafism? Really? Perhaps a strong Assad would be able to deny ISIS the land they need for a caliphate. But that's a Muslim solution to a Muslim problem we don't like...

    Harf? The glasses definitely don't help her case.

  6. Sadly Harf or is it Barf? is emblematic of people who work in the White House these days. Fresh from some liberal college, inexperienced, foolish, and dumb enough to think that their boss has the ability to pull his head from his own ass.
