Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Climate Change

It started out like any other day in Texas, with freezing fog and snow falling heavily from the sky. Like Donetsk, or Kharkov, or something.

Blue Exuberance liked that and had fun romping about in the snow. I took him for a walk and he tried to attack a mail truck. He hates mail trucks.

Then the Climate Changed and it became warmer. But I'm confused; I thought it was colder because it was warmer, thanks to all the CO2 in the atmosphere and not enough carbon taxation. So if it's warmer, then it must be colder, right?

So how come the snow's melting? 



  1. Blue Kimchi would end up as a meal if lived in Korea today. He is likely thrilled that he enjoys a different place in the food chain every day when he wakes.

    And the mail truck? I mean, those guys kill themselves with alarming regularity - Blue Stamp is likely just getting with the program.

  2. He really doesn't like the mail truck at all. Not for a second.

  3. Does your postman come from a region (anywhere in Asia) that eats dogs? If so, the prejudice is predictable.

  4. Maybe there's something going on the "back country" that I haven't been aware of...

  5. Does Blue Berserker hate the truck or the carrier...?

  6. I think it's just the truck...
