Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Visit the Sick

Being an LSP isn't just about guns and going to Canada, it's also about visiting the sick. If I was more of a Mission Priest I'd probably do that in an ATV. As it is, I just use my "rig," which is a basic, ex-fleet, 2008, F150 X-cab. 

Some people get to drive Raptors and perhaps I'm a bit jealous, but I can't complain, the truck gets me there. Still, I'd like to have 4x4.

But rigs aside, I do my best to get out to the sick and housebound and I should probably do more of that. After all, there's that bit in Scripture, "I was sick and you visited me."

Part of this means going to nursing homes, or "assisted living facilities," which is what I did today. Everyone seemed happy and upbeat and a fair few were demented with it, cackling from their rooms or sitting stranded, in their wheelchairs, in the corridors.

May God bless them, the Saints intercede for them and the Angels watch over them.

If you think that's idolatry you're wrong.



  1. I second all of that. Well said, and well done.

  2. May God bless them, the Saints intercede for them and the Angels watch over them.

    If you think that's idolatry you're wrong.

    Oh LSP, you are so much more Catholic than you want to admit. Some day maybe, but then we have our "space aliens" too

  3. "I just use my 'rig,' which is a basic, ex-fleet, 2008, F150 X-cab" that has a Chevy tailgate!

  4. The Chevy isn't mine, Anonymous, but I liked the ATV so I took a pic... in the car park of the nursing home.

  5. The aliens are with us always, Egyptian! This side of the grave, anyway...
