Saturday, January 31, 2015

UK Government to Create SSuper Race?

According to the BBC, the U.K. government has backed a plan to alter the DNA of babies, using a new in vitro fertilization technique involving three people; two parents and an egg donor.

The new three-way IVF treatment will be used to weed out diseased mitochondrial DNA from future generations.

What could poSSibly Go. Wrong. With. That. See you in Brazil, with the reSSt of the boys.

Well done, Great Britain.



  1. The Brave New World was conceived in England (Huxley) so it only makes sense that they'd push forward with it.

  2. Last time I checked, the job of God was not listed under vacant positions. I expect the incumbent might be displeased with folks usurping his authority...

  3. Jenny, don't tell President Obama that. He clearly thinks that he got slot when he was elected.

  4. I'd say you're right, Jenny. Playing at God tends to end badly...

  5. Presumably aristocratic chinless entitled feeble minded posh DNA will be allowed to carry on?

  6. Good question, Padre. Who will be allowed to survive?
