Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Dumbest Speech Ever

President Obama addressed the nation yesterday in what some pundits are calling the dumbest State of the Union address ever, tailored to the intellect of an average 14 year old.

Others feel that Obama's an empty fraud, going through a contrived act that fails to hide the hollow sham of his presidency. Nick Gillespie, writing for Time, nails it:

"Arguably the most frustrating thing about Obama’s presidency is that he himself often barely seems to be inhabiting it. He reads about things in the newspapers, just like the rest of us, only playing commander in chief when it suits his fancy. That’s no way to run a country, especially one in which your position is weaker than it was just last year."

But Barack Hussein Obama doesn't care, he's only got two more years to shill and then he can retire, limolib elite rich, on the proceeds of the dumbest speeches ever.

Nice work if you can find it,



  1. You actually listened to it? You're a brave man, LSP.

  2. He spoke to the people who voted for him...most of whom couldn't find England or Brazil on a map and believed him when he said that he visited all 57 US States.

  3. i couldn't face it all, Adrienne. That'd be 'cruel and unusual."

  4. It's the phoniness that gets me, LL, among other things...

  5. I couldn't bear to watch either, tho I was torn about it. Part of me wanted to hear it firsthand, unfiltered; another part didn't want to break the TV after five minutes!

  6. Mattexian, I can't blame you.

  7. Good call, Anonymous. Maybe we should add Flashdance, too.
