Saturday, January 10, 2015

It's a Dog's Life

It's raining, here in Texas, and my canine ally, Blue Marmaduke, is back from his country exeat. What would he be like, I wondered, after a few weeks away from the chain of command?

Just fine, as it turns out. He's better behaved, if anything, and seems a little more obedient. Not that he was bad before. Apparently he was good around horses while I was away, though I'm not quite sure what that means.

Still, it bodes well for a cavalry mascot, as does his fearless approach to bullets and gunfire. But he has to learn that it's a mistake to try and catch the bullets. Until he has his titanium refit.

That is all.



  1. haha. sweet DLC dog. at least he didn't try to catch the horses.

    No doubt he's well behaved! Poor pooch doesn't want to risk you tossing him out into the wintry mix for another few weeks! He'll be good as gold until spring.

  2. Blue Companion is a good old hound.

  3. Was Blue Excalibur terribly happy to see you? I bet he was.

    Welcome home.

  4. He wasn't too keen about going out this morning, Jenny...

  5. He seems to be, LL, and he chose me, oddly enough. Food did come into it, however.

  6. He was happy. Thanks, Adrienne!

  7. Since I know where he was on your sojourn he should be better behaved and especially around horses. I got the full scoop at lunch on the 2nd.

  8. Good old Blue. I think he fun with the other dogs, and the horses.

  9. Blue angel is well loved, and he's not stupid...
    Welcome home Padre!
