Friday, January 2, 2015

Ice Station Zebra

I got up this morning and it was snowing, but not the Christmas Carol, Tiny Tim, figgy pudding kind of snow. This was harsher, with a subzero wind driving particles of the white stuff, like tiny pieces of icy grit.

Sensible creatures, like bears, go to sleep in warm caves when the weather gets like this but, out of respect for Captain Scott, I went for a walkabout.

This took me to a new building that advertised itself as the Cult Collective. I immediately summed this up as a crew of marketeers, out to make a buck by cult status brand building. Customers, complain the Cult, "usually buy things because they have a need, not a burning desire." The Cult exists to reverse that and bank some tin.

As I parsed this in terms of idolatry, mammon and Keynesian, debt-driven growth, a woman paid her parking fee in the driving snow. "God it's cold!" she said. 
"It is a bit chilly," I replied.
"Just obscene."

I don't know if the woman was part of the Cult.

Be careful out there,



  1. If you end up joining the cult, ask them to give you a signing bonus rather than the other way around.

  2. Be careful out there, Texas & the rest of us need you!

  3. That's perceptive, LL. I was right on the verge of walking through those doors and getting a LOT of money.

    Then the snow intensified.

  4. Thanks, Brighid. I have survived, so far.

  5. egads, would you look at those grisly fellows in the last photo! if you come back to TX looking like one of them, I know just the street corner in Austin for you. Of course, you'd probably owe the Cult the majority of your panhandled proceeds...

  6. ... who seem to have explored the very brinks of their sanity and have not made it back fully in tact.
    But hey, what's life for?
    Staying in tact is for peasants.

  7. Not all, of all of us, get back when we're at the brink. When you stare too long into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you.

  8. But it's completely true, Pretty Jenny. Best that you don't stare into the Abyss.

  9. well sure, but we all DO.
    so let's just not think about it having its own life and staring back at us... [shudder]

  10. Pretty Jenny - I'm not suggesting that we live inside the pages of a Stephen King book. The antidote for all of that is love. Embracing those around us with charity and love unfeigned pushes back every unholy and unclean thing.

  11. LSP I was cold BEFORE I was browsing through blogs this chilly morning, now I'm FREEZING! And LL you're so right, the abyss it stares right back at you, I stay off the highways for this reason when we have our blizzards.

    On that happy note, wishing you all a Happy New Year! LSP hope you don't fall into the abyss. ;-)
