Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sunday Snow!

Sometime during the night it began to snow and it hasn't stopped, yet. I'd forgotten what snow was, so I got up to have a cup of coffee and look at the wonder of it. All very magic of Kwanzaatide and they're predicting a lot more tomorrow, which is exciting to me, and a good incentive to look out on the winter wonderland from the fiery comfort of the Hyatt bar. A glass of something warming will be part of this.

But that's for the future. In the meanwhile, I enjoyed myself taking pictures of Stephen Avenue and Calgary's famous Tower, in the snow.

The Tower was lit up for Kwanzaa, which was a nice touch, I thought. I also noticed that the young Canadians who were ordering coffee at the hotel seemed diffident, as though they were apologizing for troubling the Croatian cashier with their purchase. That reminded me of being in England, where there's a tendency for people to cringe, bow and scrape before shopkeepers.

Of course Napoleon said that the English were a nation of shopkeepers and got soundly thrashed for his efforts.

I love the snow.



  1. It's beginning to look a lot like Kwanza.

    I realize that it may sound disingenuous of me to say that I like snow because I live in the semi-tropical Southern California climate some, but I love to visit snow. So I'm with you on that and hope that you have a relaxing vacation before the chains of command drag you back to the DLC.

  2. I too love the snow, LSP: as long as I'm inside where it's warm and I'm pretty sure someone else will do the shoveling.

    Looking back on some of my youthful escapades involving snow, it's a wonder I survived to become older 'n' dirt and sensible.

  3. Thanks, LL, and I agree, the snow's fun to visit. And there's nothing quite like a white Kwanzaa, eh?

  4. Glad you survived, Anonymous. And I agree, I'd prefer someone else to do the shoveling...

  5. The white Kwanzaa's are just like the ones I used to know (before there was a Kwanzaa)...

  6. oh dear.
    oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Look at all that white stuff. my heavens.

  7. If Sikhs are able to carry knives lawfully in Canada, you should be able to carry a saber. (full justification in my blog that will go up tomorrow am early)

    The Military Order of the Lone Star State... (parent organization to the DLC (Irregular)

  8. You'd have to wrap up warm, Jenny.

  9. Like the MOLSS very much, LL!

    I see the saber as cereminial, sure. But it's also useful. Like snow in Kwanzaa.

  10. There is NOTHING quite so delightful as a WHITE KWANZAA.

  11. I do love a white Kwanzaa, LL!

  12. Exactly what I think, Brighid!

  13. I think you're misinterpreting natural Canadian politeness for cringing. We don't cringe - except at the antics of Justin Beiber.
    Glad you're back in Calgary. Have you found a good Anglican church there? I've only worshipped at the cathedral while there.
    Enjoy the snow, wish we had some in Ontario.

  14. I was really attacking the Brits, Padre... then there's the Bieber character...

    I'm not sure about the Diocese of Calgary at present, but St. Mark's might be alright. I worship at St. Francis around the corner from the cathedral (Vietnamese, Catholic).

    Hope you get some snow!
