Friday, December 5, 2014

Pumpkin Shoot.

Exhausted by the seriousness of First Things, I headed off to the range with some rifles, a pistol and some pumpkins. Nothing complicated; set up the pumpkins and shoot them with the guns. That was my plan.

And that's what I did. I was going to name the pumpkins, Old Tory, Little Lib, Rural Dean, etc. very funny. But I didn't.

I just shot them with an AR 15, a .45, a .22 and a 30-06.

The 06, an old Remington 700 ADL, dealt out furious damage, blasting great chunks out of the hapless Halloween ornaments and I was pleased to see my scope was pretty much dead on. The other guns worked fine too, but for sheer drop the pumpkin down power the 30-06 was a stand-out winner.

So I learned something today. If you go up against pumpkins, take a 30-06 to the fight. You'll win.

Shoot straight,



  1. You should have put a hole in them and filled them with water from a garden hose before you shot them. Hydrostatic force produces very satisfying results.

  2. That is a VERY good idea. Noted.

  3. Forget filling them with water. Try gunpowder.

  4. If you're going to fill them with black powder, keep it in a baggie or something. It's important to keep your powder dry.

  5. My dislike of Cromwell is inverse to my love of Kwanzaa.

    But I have to say, good advice, LL.

  6. Good to know when the pumpkin apocalypse happens.

  7. Sometimes the Pumpkin King disguises himself as Santa Clause (Sandy Claws) and when that happens, you need to take him out.

    This is excellent training for that possibility - and your faithful hound Blue Pumpkin Chopper.

  8. Thanks, Euripdes.

    I see "Pumpkin Shoot" as an educational post.

  9. Most definitely, LL!

    Sandy Claws is a right menace.

  10. Halleluiah! you got to convert some wayward pumpkins while following the new ROE.
    Blessings on you.

  11. Thanks Brighid -- those orange predators didn't know what hot 'em.

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