Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Felix Navidad!

Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas! Navidad music fills the air, which is crisp and the stars are bright, and that's what it's like, here in Texas.

God bless you all,



  1. The stars at night - are big and bright
    Deep in the heart of Texas
    The prairie sky - is wide and high
    Deep in the heart of Texas
    The sage in bloom - is like perfume
    Deep in the heart of Texas
    Blue Terror wails - along the trails
    Deep in the heart of Texas

    I'm glad that things remain the same in Texas.

  2. It's good to know, I always think, that some things remain the same.

    Blue Holiday has gone to stay with friends for week or so, out in the country. (I'll be in Canada) Let's hope he isn't ferociously spoiled by the time I get back...

    Merry Christmas!

  3. A Blessed Christmas, Padre. Keep up His good work, and have a safe journey.
