Friday, November 21, 2014

Obama Dissolves Parliament!

President Obama is now ruling by Executive Fiat, regardless of what the the people want or voted for. That didn't work out too well for Charles, King & Martyr. Maybe our Muslim dictator will do better. 

He says he hasn't "dissolved Parliament." 

So what are the DOJ and the IRS? The Star Chamber?

The words "root and branch" spring to mind.



  1. He'd do it if he thought that he could get away with it.

    Remember when he took office? He wanted his own "immortals" - a domestic force as powerful as the military who pledged fealty to him personally. He wanted to recruit from the inner city, but the inner city people knew that they'd be going up against people who could actually shoot, and declined. Besides it would mean work and it's so much easier to collect your welfare check and puff on a blunt.

  2. Lord. If I had a dime for every annoying 5 minutes I had to wait in line for some fool to buy a "blunt" I'd be a very wealthy man.

  3. I refuse to mention that man's name. He is a blemish on America.
    Had to look up what a "blunt" was...

  4. The "blunt" is Obama's signature drug of choice since he was about 10 years old. Still is. Then he graduated to selling cocaine, but that never comes out in the mainstream media.

  5. If I never have to stand in line behind an incoherent blunt buyer I won't complain.

  6. You should have been a police officer, LSP. You'd have had the chance to help correct wayward youth in a more definitive way.

  7. I'm serious. I think that you'd have been a great one.

    You'd have been at the point of crisis in family relationships and you could have counseled and advised as you do now.

    Without having to take chit from a bunch of people and listen to them whine.

  8. AND you could have found a reason to arrest a gay bishop for being a pederast. PC in police work means probable cause, not politically correct.

  9. I'd like to arrest any number of bishops.

  10. Swear'm in LL, tis the West after all... Padre would make a fine double agent: one for God, one for us.

  11. I really can't see what the three of ya'll are wetting yourselves about (and am mystified that the author of this blog queues up for marijuana).

    Obama has actually issued far fewer executive orders than most of his predecessors. As of October 2014, Obama had issued 193 directives classified as "executive orders" — the fewest of any two-term president since Theodore Roosevelt.

  12. Linda, why do you think that Swisher sells marijauna?
