Thursday, October 9, 2014

Gwyneth Paltrow, New World Order Illuminati Stooge

Is Gwynny a limo-lib Gnostic Illuminati New World Order stooge? Or just a willing dupe of the hope and change Hive Mind?

Facts don't lie, my friends.

Or as Gwynny said to the Commander-in-Chief this evening at a star studded fundraiser, “you’re so handsome that I can’t speak properly.”

I rest my case.



  1. her famous line is, "the darker the meat, the sweeter the juice." make of that what you will.

  2. If she scored much over 85 on an IQ test, I'd be very surprised.

    Hubby read somewhere that the people in LA were totally ticked off about the traffic problems created by Odumbo being there. So be it. Most of them voted for the creep.

  3. When Obama comes to LA, it means that most people will have a 4+ hour commute home from work because they close the freeways for his convenience. He shows up to hang with negro rappers, wealthy jews and to pick up checks. If he put half as much effort into being president he might have been worth spit. As it worked out, he's not worth spit.

  4. It seems that being a member of our celebrity elite overlord class doesn't necessarily guarantee high IQ...

  5. They're all out there, Infidel, voting, and driving cars. Or in Gwynny's world of limo-lib socialism, being driven.

  6. When Obama comes to town the traffic stops.

  7. Traffic stops and the lemmings worship, ready for Barack to lead them into the surf.
