Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fall of Saigon 2.0

The Jihad savages known as IS, the Islamic State, or ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or etc. is on the outskirts of Baghdad with some 10,000 fighters. One big push and they're in. The U.S. Embassy has 200 troops by contrast. I guess all the rest are fighting a virus.

Some see a replay of Saigon. Remember that? I do, just. But there's a difference between that fiasco and the one that's right near and present on our doorstep:

“Our humiliation in Iraq, unless things change drastically, will be even deeper, because our president now is feckless,” writes Thomas Lifson. “One big difference: The Vietnamese Communist Party had no interest in exporting its fight with us to our homeland.”

If I was CIC I'd be apologizing to all the soldiers who died for, apparently, nothing at all in Iraq. And their families.

And that's the least of it. What a thought. That a band of Dark Age barbarian beheaders would humiliate, defeat and emasculate the United States.

Well done, hope and change Hive Mind.

Let's hope everyone gets out of the Green Zone before a Youtube "movie" kills them.

But maybe none of this will happen.



  1. If we don't get them out in time, candidate Hillary will say, "What difference does it make?"

  2. George S. Patton jr. was an Episcopalian. He should be enshrined in some Episcopalian Church - a marble bust or something, and all LSP's should be issued ivory (yes, real ivory) handled .45 revolvers to carry under their cassocks.

  3. That is a VERY compelling point.

  4. Take it to Justin, I'm sure that he'll see it my way.

    Most churches are having trouble recruiting parsons. This would attract Texans to the cloth.

  5. Oh, just give Justin a sock or something. I have some old ones and have been thinking of boxing them and shipping them to Westminster Abby just to do something nice for him.'

    I'm sure that to reciprocate my kindness, he'd turn every parsonage in Texas into a fort -- arming the parsons with (genuine) ivory handled Colts.

  6. If it was good enough for Patton, it should be good enough for Justin. If it wasn't for George and friends, a lot more Brits would have died 'over there' in WW1 and WW2.

  7. Might it be possible that we will witness Iranians rescuing Americans from a US Embassy under siege?

  8. Very true. Imagine Justin's happy delight when he opens that box of socks!

    I'm looking forward to upgrading my compound.

    Thanks in advance, Lambeth Palace.

  9. You remember that old song, Anonymous? "Isn't it ironic..."

  10. Two points well stated:
    “One big difference: The Vietnamese Communist Party had no interest in exporting its fight with us to our homeland.”

    "If I was CIC I'd be apologizing to all the soldiers who died for, apparently, nothing at all in Iraq. And their families."

    Tragic. Sickening. Horrifying.

  11. Not good, is it, at any level.

    Though of course the Coms were in favor of exporting their revolution, so maybe there's a bit of inaccuracy in our friend's observation...
