Sunday, September 14, 2014

Some Kind Of Sick Joke?

Here's a picture of an Episcopal priest. He lives in California. I'll leave it to you to work out whether he went to Harvard or not.

And maybe you think this is some kind of joke, like, look at this goof-off clown LSP pulled off the internet.

All real. Thanks for the tip, GWB.

God bless,



  1. He looks like a mongrel Buddhist/Muslim/C-of-E style whited sepulcher that the right reverend Dobie would embrace and seek out for advice. If I was to suggest that he's also gender-confused, would that be politically incorrect?

  2. I look forward to you joining the Diocese, LL.

  3. Kind of reminds me of Glasto or the 'Henge in the old days....

  4. I'd argue that it's a bit "clean" for the Henge, but a definite fit for an early '80s Glasto.

    Problem is, it's Here & Now, in San Francisco. Go figure...
