Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Making Jalapeno Dove Poppers

I like to make poppers with the dove I've shot. It's easy. First, open an ice cold beer, after all, you've earned it. 

Then cut a jalapeno in half with a sharp knife, perhaps an old Buck folder (made in the USA), then scoop out the insides.

Fill the pepper with cream cheese. Next, take the meat off the dove breasts and place on top of the cream cheese filled pepper.

Wrap in bacon, affix with toothpick, place on grill and cook until the bacon's done.

Tasty as you like.

Grill on,



  1. Those sound and look yummy! How did you know I was a visual learner? Thanks, now to talk Dad into a grill...sigh

  2. Lone Star Parson: The God, Guns, Church, Country Life & COOKING in Texas Blog

    I think you need to expand your vision here.
    That was inspiring.

  3. You know what they say, a "picture's worth a thousand words". But seriously, an easy recipe and tasty. Get that grill!

  4. Good call, Jenny, but I'm afraid the repertoire's a bit limited.

    That said, I've been tempted to start a food blog called "Cheapskates" -- in which various Dallas eateries would get reviewed. Objective? Who has the best scoff for the least cash.

    Maybe I'll activate this plan.

  5. YES. Do it. (seriously)
    You'll at least get sick enough of Dallas to appreciate Austin more. :)

  6. Thanks for the encouragement. I could see Cheapskates expanding it's operation to include the iniquitous Austin...

  7. When it comes to food, Austin's going to be a lot more interesting. (Frankly, in most genres, Austin's a lot more "interesting"-- but careful there, don't shoot!)

    I've a lot of opinions, and as your loyal, local correspondent, would be happy to point you in the right direction.
    Headings covered: hipster cocktail joints, the ONLY place actually worth eating, BBQ (a category unto itself, naturally), tequila bars, breakfast taco stands, burgers, bourbon bars, east-side-wannabe-edgy dining, west-side-sunset-views dining, local/organic/farm to table thing, ... you name it.

    I. have. opinions.

  8. What's not to love?

    And the bacon will keep the Muslims away.

  9. I don't see this recipe getting a lot of traction in, well, Qatar, or Dearborn.


  10. When they get to heaven, they'll learn that the streets are guarded by the US Marine Corps (just like the song promises) and St. Peter will hand each one a BLT because that's all they eat up there.

  11. Have you ever substituted chicken for dove in your poppers?

  12. I haven't, but people do. Duck works also.

    I do like a good BLT!

  13. Bacon and beer? Delicious. Now if they could only make a bacon-flavored beer.

  14. At least you won't be disappointed with the daily lunch fare in heaven -- BLT's and good artisan beer, with a pickle spear and freshly made potato chips.

    The few Jews who make it will be off in the corner being ticked off, eating unleavened bread with no butter.

    Muslims will have to go somewhere hotter and more desert like to feel at home.

  15. Beer & Bacon, maybe some dove. No interpretive liturgical dance.

  16. Right tasty, Borepatch. Hope your season goes well!

  17. I'm looking forward to the heavenly BLT, but fear I'll have to pass through a few more hoops to get there...

    As for the "chop your head off religion of peace" crew, looks like they're gunning for a different destination altogether.

  18. Padre, I was wondering if you could recommend a particularly blessed beer to use in the rehab since ol Ugly(Dad's boat) returns to active duty tomorrow.
    If it wasn't against cannon law I would so be spraying Dad's flat fish with WD40... Hail Mary!

  19. Ha! I'd recommend Shiner's Summer ale (I think it's called). But most all ice cold beers taste good to me at the moment.
