Monday, September 8, 2014

Chickens in the Tree. The Anglo-Catholic Future?

"That's weird!" I thought, "There are chickens in this tree." Seriously, I'd no sooner sooner stepped out on the back porch when I noticed a largish white shape in my neighbor's tree. I walked up for a closer look and sure enough, it was a chicken. One of many.

Flying Bishop?

The chickens are roosting now, "better together", sleeping, high up in the tree. Lots of them. I didn't know they did that, but now I do.

Better Together

Perhaps you're thinking that this is some kind of metaphor for the Anglo-Catholic Movement. And maybe the chickens think they'll be safe, sleeping up there in the tree.

God bless,



  1. Ya just never know what a chicken is going to do. The Cowman & I built a chicken cathedral, it was awesome, they wouldn't sleep in it. They much preferred their trees, Where every passing hawk, and raccoon could pick them off. Then Maude the Americana decided to sleep in the cathedral, all the others followed suit and everyone lived happily ever after.

  2. I have to say, it surprised me!

  3. There's some parable about a mustard seed and birds in the branches and the kingdom of God that seems fitting here...

    Anyway, the branches are wide and the water's fine!
    (because why keep metaphors separate anyway?)

  4. The chickens came home to roost...

  5. Had a whole bunch of chickens that we raised from day old chicks that decided to follow their instinct on night a roost in some full size apple trees. Got a few of them down, but it was getting quite dark. They came to a bad end... And those that were rescued were lousy layers. But they roasted well.

  6. Glad it all ended well, Brighid!

  7. Nice bit of Gospel content, Jenny.

  8. They seem to have a habit of doing that, LL...

  9. All for a good roaster Jack! But you know, I was surprised to see all those birds in the tree.

  10. And Maude is a fantastic name for a chicken!

  11. Thanks Jenny, Maude was my favorite, huge ol girl,excellent layer, funny as all get out.

  12. Well, chickens in or out of trees, in or out of cathedrals, are still chickens. Even if they put up a fight, they are still supper. So with Anglo-Chickens.


  13. I see a fiddle/banjo version of Don't Fear the Reaper coming any time soon.

  14. We all keep chickens in our neighborhood because they'll eat scorpions and help keep them out of the house.

    How's that for a sermon?

  15. I didn't know they ate scorpions.

    Sermon? Euripides, you're hired.
