Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Road Trip, Dallas to Detroit and Windsor

Sometimes, in the summer, I head North to visit family and friends in Windsor and Detroit. I drove this time, via Memphis, Nashville and Cincinnati. Why? Because I wanted to see Kentucky and Tennessee, even if it was just from the road, and I liked the idea of the drive. "Get out and see something of America!" I thought, adventurously.

I like Tennessee

There was ferocious rain from Little Rock onwards, which forced me to stop at Kingston Springs, just outside of Nashville. Big relief to get off of the zero-viz highway and into the strangely good El Jardin Mexican restaurant. Tasty, cheap, fresh food and frozen margaritas that went down just right.


The next day it was on to Cincinnati, Dayton, Toledo and Detroit. I always enjoy the last stretch of the drive. As you leave the well put together, speed-limit-abiding Ohio highway and get onto I75, the road becomes a pot-holed Mad Max slalom. Flak jacket on, you're getting close to the Motor(way) City.

O Canada!

I took the Ambassador Bridge into Windsor.

It was good to be back in Canada.




  1. Welcome back, LSP. Supposed to hit 104 today-- hope you didn't forget how to be tough while you were up there. Too much poutine can do that to a guy.

  2. Thanks Jenny. I noticed it was a bit chilly today.

    See, tougher than ever.

  3. crap wish I'd a known you were going up I-75, you were only 10 miles from me, would have loved to meet ya. I'm over here in a little burg called Maria Stein, home to the largest collection of Holy relics in the US,,,, and that doesn't include me. (my son calls me the fossil) This area is as Catholic as it gets, maybe the next time. Could meet you somewhere for dinner, show you the farm and some of the countryside

  4. I'm glad that you made it back in one piece.

    As to summer in Texas, I have heard it said that "cold weather" is merely a conventional phrase and has come into use through the necessity of having some way to distinguish between weather which will melt a brass door-knob and weather which will only make it mushy.

  5. Would love to see the farm, Egyptian. Next time!

  6. It's a bit chilly today today, LL. Only 97 in the shade.

  7. I hope that's a good thing, Brighid!

  8. Damn Straight it's a good thing...
    Guess I need to work on losing the cowgirl accent..

  9. Yay for road trips. I love Cincinnati. It's my favorite city after where I currently live. And it has the best chili in the world.
