Sunday, July 13, 2014

Dawn Chorus

Perhaps you think it's quiet and peaceful in the country, and sometimes it is. At other times it's not, like when the sun is rising, the roosters are sounding off and the local pit bulls are busy having an insane barking competition. Then there's a peacock; that's fired itself up too.

Well, whoever said life'd be easy?

God bless,



  1. It sounds like another Sunday morning down on the parsonage.

    That's better than the sound of roaring cars and trains, screeching brakes, honking horns and the smell of exhaust fumes.

  2. For us it's the pheasants screeching. The rooster is blessedly gone from our neighbors.

    We can occasionally hear the freeway on the other side of a hill from us about a mile away. I just pretend it's Niagara Falls.

  3. aw, they're happy you're home, is all. :) ...besides, you know you'd miss it. sleeping in is overrated.

  4. I live out here in the Arizona desert. My next-door neighbor has a rooster and chickens. My back-yard neighbor has an incessantly barking dog. Instead of a peacock, we've got the nasty sound of grackles.

    Sometimes I wish I lived on a farm so all those noises made sense.

  5. We are blessed to have the sounds of coyotes, bees, frogs, jays, happy kids, and the occasional dog barking.

  6. Wish we had some pheasants around here...

  7. True, I would miss the chickens.

  8. Incessant barking can be a right nightmare...
