Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Way To Go, Welby

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has been in Rome recently, where he met with Pope Francis to talk about slavery and church unity. Famous for his negotiating skills, Welby brought a couple of priestesses to his meeting with the Holy Father. Smooth move, Justin.

The Pope spoke movingly about the need to end what he referred to as the "scandal" of a divided church. "Beneath his merciful gaze, we cannot claim that our division is anything less than a scandal and an obstacle to our proclaiming the Gospel of salvation to the world," stated Francis to Welby.

Canon Mann

The Roman Catholic Church does not allow women to be priests, unlike the Church of England which enthusiastically does. Some of these priestesses were men who became women, like Rachel Mann, who is now a Canon of Manchester Cathedral. 

Rock On, Rachel

The curiously named Mann apparently describes herself as "a trans woman, a lesbian, a priest in the Church of England and a feminist."

Perhaps you think I've just made that up, you know, for fun. You would be wrong in thinking that.

Carry on,



  1. Abomination.

    It is simply what it is.

    And I don't think that Christ will come down and clean out the C of E in the same way as he cleaned out the Temple during his mortal ministry.

    However the Abominations will be held accountable for the damage that they do - if not in this life, then in the next.

  2. I agree and much as I'd like to see some direct divine action, I think the CofE will probably put itself out of business. After all, an LGBT pantomime church only has so much appeal.

    As for an accounting in the next life...

  3. Most people don't go to church to wallow in filth. Which is why a lot of churches are empty in Europe. The Spirit is vacant in those establishments.

    You can't serve God and Mammon.

  4. Seems a bit strange changing your gender from man to woman and then start hitting on women. Why not just stay a straight man?

  5. It is a bit odd. Like wanting to have your cake and eating it too? if you'll forgive the phrase...

    Good luck CofE.

  6. Just heard the 'lady' in question on tge most amazing BBC radio 4 show debate with a CoE evangelical on 'gender reassignment'. You would have roared with laughter. Probably on BBCiPlayer 4-5 pm today.

  7. I'll have a look...

    Good old, er, Mann.
