Monday, June 2, 2014

Ukraine War

There's something pretty close to a full-fledged civil war going on in the Ukraine and the U.S. is backing one side, the pro-West, pro-NATO, IMF side. Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, is backing the other side, obviously.

Now, regardless of the rights and wrongs of the anti-Christian, socialist, gay West attacking the Christian, traditional values, anti-comsymp East, why aren't our media reporting this war?

Seriously, there's a war firing up on Europe's threshold, people are dying, helicopters are being shot down, the Vostok Brigade's in motion, cities are under siege. VERY BIG NEWS.

Why isn't our media reporting? Maybe lying about the VA scandal and releasing terrorists is more important? Or covering Pride rallies and Carbon Footprints?

Not Newsworthy, Not At All, Move Along

Or maybe there's just nothing to see and we should all just move along peacefully into the paradise prepared for us by our Overlords.

And remember, the government is your friend.

God bless,



  1. The Mainstream Media doesn't function anymore does it? I think that they're a bunch of flacks who worship at the US Administration's feet and push soft news stories that the USGOV feeds them.

  2. Sure doesn't seem to -- but bloody hell, this is really blatant and right on the doorstep, as it were.

    PR Flacks? Too kind.

  3. A Ukrainian air force jet fighter bombed and fired rockets at an administration building in Luhansk. One person was killed and ten wounded.

  4. Maybe lying about the VA scandal and releasing terrorists is more important? Or covering Pride rallies and Carbon Footprints?

    Let's not forget Kim Kardashian's wedding.

  5. Saw that at ZeroHedge, LL. Obviously not MSM newsworthy.

  6. Of course the Kardashian wedding is pretty important!

  7. Well its not so quiet on the subject over here Padre - although to be fair ISIL have rather pushed them out of the news!!

  8. ". . . the Christian, traditional values, anti-comsymp East . . ."

    Leaders of the pro-Russian militia Stronghold openly long for the good old Soviet days - and I mean the era of Stalin, not that of Gorbachev.

    Ukrainians have always been more devout than Russians. That's why Ukraine accounts for a disproportionate share of priestly vocations in the Russian Orthodox Church.

  9. The Iraq business does seem to be hotting up, Lukeya.

    Weird media blackout on the Ukraine though...
