Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Good Sunday

Dick Harries Possessed by a Margarine Demon?

I've served in several dioceses where Anglicanism was pretty much new normal, i.e. tenuously Christian. In Oxford, for example, we were led by Bishop "Dick" Harries (how'd he get to be a "Baron" anyway?), who despite being a Green Jacket was possessed by a margarine demon. Then there was Jane Dixon (pro tem) and, and I won't go on. All fine, of course, if you're into praying to the Goddess, or walking labyrinths, or whatever neo-Unitarian, quasi-gnostic  nonsense you feel like inventing at any given moment. It's all OK if you're a Pelosianite Episcopalien, not so good if you're a Christian.

Bishop Iker, Good Man

So you can imagine my relief at having a bishop like Jack Iker; when he visits the Missions to Confirm and Baptize it's all good. The Word preached, the Sacraments administered and it's the Faith of the Church and I tell you, that's at a right premium.


Today's Confirmations went well, so did the Baptism. A parishioner gave me a "brick" of .22LR by way of thanks. Shooters will understand that that's not shabby.

God bless,