Thursday, February 13, 2014

I Like West

Czechoslovakians Settled This Town

The other day I drove to Waco and those of you who know I35 will agree that that's no small thing. On the way back I stopped at West, which was settled by Czechs and badly hurt by its industry, a fertilizer plant, blowing up last year. I heard the explosion from a good 20 miles away; bad business and a miracle that more people weren't killed.

Downtown West

So I pulled off the highway and into West to have a look around. There's the obligatory failing "antique" shops, a couple of Czech bakeries, a feed store, a barber, some bars (well done) and a railway line that still goes through the middle of the town. Freight only.

Better Days, My Friend

West has had better days, no doubt about it. The sidewalks are cracked, you'll see the odd broken window here and there but you know what, I like West, it had a good atmosphere and the people were friendly. I understand they sell ammo at their hardware shop and I'll be back to check that out, maybe the barber too.

God bless West,



  1. It's characteristic of so many similar small towns.

  2. Hey - a couple of pots of petunias and West would be gorgeous. I like cracked sidewalks.
