Friday, October 4, 2013

Government Bans Mass on Military Bases


Apparently the Government isn't shut down enough. In an unprecedented move, the State has banned contract catholic chaplains from celebrating Mass on military bases.

Despite offering their services voluntarily, at no cost to the state, contract chaplains have been forbidden from ministering at military bases during the current Government shutdown. Some see this as an example of the Obama Administration's deep-seated hostility to catholicism.

Not Allowed

According to the President of the Catholic League, Bill Donahue, “In American history there has been no administration more anti-Catholic than the Obama administration. For them to deny Catholic men and women the opportunity of the sacraments and to deal with their prayerful vocations is really a stunning statement.”

Do This, Get Arrested

Catholics account for 25% of U.S. armed forces, but only have some 230 full-time chaplains. To make up for the shortfall, the military hires priests to serve on a contract basis. 

These contract clerics are banned until further notice because the Administration claims it doesn't have the money to pay them, even though the clergy are offering to serve for free.

Yet another reason to shut down this government.

Thanks, Third News, for the tip.



  1. I've been muttering a lot, this administration is doubling down on stupid!

  2. It would be enlightening to understand how other religions are served on military bases.

    Are Catholics priests the only contrahent party?

  3. Is this, perhaps, not allowed under the US constitution? Not that it would bother Mr Obama, of course.

  4. And yet the majority of Catholics voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012.

    Thanks low-information voters.

  5. Couldn't agree more, Mattexian.

  6. I don't know, Third News, good question. You'd think there'd be others...

  7. hey are without law, Jublet.

  8. Putting it politely, Infidel...
