Saturday, March 30, 2013

Putin's Not Gay

totally not gay

All-round hard man, former KGB officer and ruler of Russia, Vladimir Putin has struck another blow for traditional values by banning gay couples from adopting Russian children.

According to Reuters, the decision to ban gay adoptions comes after an American lesbian entered into a legal feud with her estranged partner over Russian orphan Yegor Shabatalov. The Russian Foreign Ministry plans to evaluate possible "psychological damage" inflicted on the unfortunate orphan. 

Patriarchs say don't be gay

Unlike Putin, President Obama believes that children should be adopted by gay men and lesbians and Time magazine praised him as America's first gay President.


Russia does not allow U.S. citizens to adopt their orphans.

Go figure.

In the meanwhile, Christ lies in the Tomb.



  1. When I see what 0bama is doing it is kinda as an American that I look at Putin and think, Wow what a leader.

  2. Alright there Admiral. At least Putin shoots and rides...

    have a blessed Easter.
