Monday, February 11, 2013

Pope Resigns!

Pope Benedict XVI, de facto leader of Christendom, has resigned due to ill health. He was hated, scorned and despised by celebrity atheists, assorted culture of death libs and deranged Chick Tract protestants. Why? Mostly because he had the temerity to be a Catholic Christian. Well go figure.

that's the style
I thought he was outstanding, but now I'm scared. Who will follow? Peter the Roman?

Let's hope not.



  1. It's a great shame in all kinds of ways that such an outstanding theologian and great Christian leader needs to resign the papacy. But predictions of the end of the world have always proved a bit premature, even, let's hope, those of St Malachy!

  2. I thought he was outstanding, but now I'm scared.

    Me, too...

  3. Correct
    And NOT "de facto leader of christendom" please, the Anglicans, Greek & other orthodox, all the "cahpel" debominations, lutherans, etc would dipute that.

    Evil old bastard, presiding over one of the three most evil orgnaisations on the planet.
    { The other two are religions, as well - communism & islam ]

    A quote from a well-known RC comes to mind - "that we shoud wish to pull him down & put no-one in his place ...."
    [ JRRT ]

  4. He was hated, scorned and despised by celebrity atheists, assorted culture of death libs and deranged Chick Tract protestants

    A true badge of honor and a job well done

    to be praised by any of these would be a mark of failure

    may he enjoy peace of soul and lightness of heart in his retirement

  5. Well said, Michael. Of course we don't know the "day nor the hour"... but did you notice the lightning strike St. Peter's? Scary...

  6. Who knows what will come after, Adrienne. B16? A great Pope.

  7. Couldn't agree with you more, Egyptian.

    I especially dislike the celeb atheists...

  8. Good to have you back, Tingey!

    The "de facto" point was, perhaps, a bit oblique. Who is, effectively, the voice of worldwide Christianity? it's not an Anglican, Lutheran, or even the Ecumenical Patriarch. Like it or not it's the Pope. Sorry, I know that offends your Huguenot sensibilities...

    Like the JRRT ref. Family friends here with Christopher and Priscilla.


  9. God bless him. May he have a long and content retirement.

  10. Couldn't agree with you more, Infidel.
