Friday, February 8, 2013

Mexican Breakfast Hot Spot!

Country life isn't just about field sports. No, sometimes it involves a short ride in the truck to the town square and a visit to Montes.

Montes makes a fine Mexican breakfast and I usually get Huevos Rancheros, which I eat while listening to their eclectic mix of  Latino House and assorted "pop." 

I like the Montes hot sauce; a sure-fire cure for a bad tooth, in case you wondered. The re-fried beans, fried potatoes and eggs over easy on corn tortillas aren't half bad either.

Down Town!

Huevos Rancheros done, I'm all setup for another day in the Mission Field. If you're ever in town, check out Montes, it's pretty much what we have by way of a restaurant and I give it three, maybe four, diner stars out of five.

all about the pickup

In other news, I notice Germany, and several other countries are repatriating their gold from the New York Fed. The Fed has told their German friends that they can have their gold back, don't worry!, in seven years. Surely, we tell ourselves, it's all there... You can read all about it somewhere on ZeroHedge.




  1. Reminds me of Bullard where my daughter lives. I love this side of Texas. You can keep the big cities, give me the country.

    Nice to see you back here.

  2. Hot stuff for breakfast, wow, you're brave! The fire extinguisher is that for when the hot really hits you? lol

    Now I am off to do some research and find out what I can in regards to the US not returning gold. Interesting I must say.

    Have a wonderful day LSP!

  3. Thanks Julie -- I agree, the country beats the city. Still, I enjoy time off in Dallas from time to time. Have to go to the right places though...

  4. Most definitely, Darlin. Put those flames out!

    Check out the gold story, curious...

  5. Just found your blog (through Borepatch, I think) I wondered about Montez, as we have one here in Granbury. Are they the same folks? I do love their breakfast burritos.

  6. I think they're the same "firm", JebTexas, but I could be wrong; I know there's several restaurants in the franchise...

    Breakfast Burritos? YES. YES.YES.
