Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Extradite Piers Morgan!


After a year of energetic campaigning, Team LSP is pleased to note that the popular movement to extradite Piers Morgan is gaining traction. Thanks to our friends over at Infowars, the petition to send the low-rating CNN host back to the U.K. has over 70,000 signatures and climbing. We urge you to sign the petition here.

truly appalling
As predicted by ZeroHedge, worried U.K. citizens weren't far behind, launching a counter-petition to keep Piers "Hacker" Morgan in in the U.S. 

Naomi, that's just nasty

The petition states, with some justice:

"We got rid of him once and why should we have to suffer again. The Americans wanted him so they should put up with him. We washed our hands of him a long time ago."

go on, Jeremy, punch him out

After considerable  soul-searching, we have to admit that Great Britain suffered the Illuminati posturing of New World Order shill Piers Morgan for long enough. England doesn't want him back and America can no longer tolerate his subversion of our way of life. He has to go. But where?

Cuba. We have a jail there.

Blessed Feast of St. Stephen.



  1. Don'y want him in Canada thats for sure.We have enough like him already.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year by the way

  2. What's with that dead squirrel on his head? And the mouth? Don't ask!

    He's a rude idiot! Make him go away...

  3. BTW - my birthday is New Year's Eve (13 minutes to midnight.) The big 67. May I have a special prayer for my gift??

    Thank you in advance.

  4. The double chin just doubles and doubles.

  5. Merry Christmas, danontherock! We won't let him into Canada. Don't worry.

  6. We're trying to achieve that, Adrienne...

  7. He doesn't get any better, David & Elizabeth.

  8. Will be sure to say a birthday prayer, Adrienne. God bless.

  9. Piers is a good fit over at CNN, along with Wolfie and Soledad Obrien, possibly the dumbest woman on tv...

    Merry Christmas!

  10. He is a good fit, Silverfiddle. Maybe they should ALL go?

  11. I think that exiling the entire CNN staff to Great Britain could be interpreted as an act of war. Any anyway, what have the British done to us to deserve such a horrible volley?

  12. You're right, Silverfiddle. I was thinking of "Gitmo"...
