Tuesday, November 20, 2012

On the Road

LSP drives into Town

It seems to me that Dallas was faced with a decision, probably after World War II. "How and where do we want to live?" the City Fathers asked themselves, "In a city, or on a road?" City, Road? That was the question and the answer came back emphatically. "Road!" they chanted and roads they got.

It came as a culture shock after England, where people still, I think, walk about their towns and cities. But regardless of the ways of what used to be Great Britain, I find myself spending an awful lot of time on the road. 

Speaking of which, Jack Kerouac was a Mass-going catholic, as was Andy Warhol. Apparently Warhol was a daily communicant, amongst other less pleasant things. I'd never have guessed.

Drive safe,



  1. Interesting. I never knew that about Warhol. Pelosi, Biden, John Lennon...

    The list of my coreligionists is a scary one...

  2. Didn't know about John Lennon, Silverfiddle.

    I was surprised by Warhol. He was pretty faithful, apparently. Strange.

  3. Tony and Cherie Blair as well, of course.

    To be fair the RCs are a pretty wide Church from the 'Office of the Doctrine of the Faith' all the way to odd Dutch hippies and liberation priests in South America.

  4. Oh yes, I'd forgotten about "Cherie"... and, of course, there's now more RC worshiping attendance in England than COE. Interesting, given that it was pretty much illegal not that long ago.

    But now that the "dear old C of E" will have Mr. Oily Fixit in charge everything will change...

  5. Andy Warhol said before he died that he was a virgin. I was surprised and wouldn't have guessed that, either. It's bracing to me that someone who inhabited the effete elite remained untainted in significant ways. Ya never noze bout Peepul, does ya?

  6. Strange about Warhol, ain't it.

    I suppose, Anon, that we mustn't, er, judge a book bi itz covur.
