Saturday, November 3, 2012

Excommunicate Joe Biden!

Apparently Vice President Joe Biden has woken up and realized what every serious person's been thinking for the last decade. Namely, that discrimination against transsexuals is, "The civil-rights issue of our time."

some kind of joke?

There you go. The race thing's completely settled, rumours of a growing slave class are entirely unfounded, the U.S. prison population isn't the largest in the world and we're all getting more free and more prosperous by the year. Unless, of course, you've had gender reassignment surgery, in which case it's a nightmare.

space creature

Well said, Biden. Keep on telling it like it is. 

A note to all Roman Catholic readers. Please petition the Pope to excommunicate this man, and while you're at it, work in Nancy Pelosi too.



  1. I wish it were that simple. Bishops of these dissident Catholic politicians have not done their duty and cut them off before this. Their calling themselves Catholic is a scandal to the rest of us who are faithful Catholics. Our bishops unfortunately are weak men.

  2. Remember Pelosi a few years back telling us that the "abortion thing" wasn't settled doctrine?

    I poo poo my fellow Right Blogistanis who speak darkly of Marxist conspiracies, but when you see self-described Catholics taking such outrageous stands, and then begging the Church to come after them so they can then scream that the church is getting into politics, what else can I conclude.

    It's diabolical.

  3. And in the interest of full disclosure, I have no problem with civil unions for homosexuals, since this is a state affair and the constitution does not prevent it.

    What I worry about is the state forcing churches to perform said ceremonies. That is where the danger lies.

  4. I'm of the opinion that gubmint needs to get out of the whole marriage/ civil union business, and leave it up to the churches, in all forms. There's more than enough Unitarian places that will gladly host homosexual unions. I agree with Silverfiddle that the gubmint night otherwise get into the business of telling *every* church to perform the ceremonies, whether they like it or not.

  5. It's a scandal, Julie. Still, the bishops are in a tight spot... pray for 'em...

  6. Pelosi -- what a space creature, Silverfiddle, and I agree with your danger point.

    In Canada you can get arrested for teaching the catholic/christian doctrine of marriage.

    I'd like to think that wouldn't happen here.

  7. Good call, Mattexian.

    I for one look forward to our new Unitarian overlords! Er, no. Less gubmint!

    Would that were achieved.

  8. Ah, Biden. You have to admire how far he has come in life with such serious mental deficiencies. It gives hope to everyone in Washington I guess.

  9. "the bishops are in a tight spot... pray for 'em..."

    How so is abortion a difficult issue? Are you arguying for a further aggiornamento? Catholics are against abortions, and yet their leadership nills following their own religion.

    Somehow, bishops and priests have no difficulty with enforcing rules on the politically powerless. What is there to pray about? More political indulgences?

  10. Maybe we should pray that they enforce rules on the politically powerful?

  11. I'm kinda leaning toward making them wear a sambenito for the procession but if they tripped on their mantelletta, I would think it a sign.

    Unlike you, I am not professionally bound, If inclined, I'd only pray for victims

  12. Each man to his trade, and not all of us release our frustrations shooting game, or perequitating through the fields ;-)
