Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Worker's Paradise

My philisophically inclined Ivy League friend and sportsman, GWB, sent in this self-portrait with the legend:

let's hunt some dove, LSP!
"Objects in the mirror are even further to the right than they appear."




  1. Well ... communism is just another religion, isn't it?
    It persecutes all the OTHER religions - check.
    It has "holy books" that can't be questioned, even when they are obviously wrong - check.
    It has warring sects & schisms, whose "believers" are even worse than unbelievers - check.
    It kills millions of innocent victims in the name of "the holy cause" - check.
    etc .....
    Just stay clear of it, that's all!

  2. I agree!

    As a real atheist, I will have nothing to do with communism - it resembeles the RC church far too much!

  3. I agree!

    As a real atheist, I won't have anything to do with communism - it is far too like the RC church.

  4. The RCs have been known to have their Stalinist moments...
