Saturday, January 28, 2012

Speed Freak!

Lee Speed - note safety
The excitement builds as Monday draws close and with it the collection of a new Lee No.4 Mk.1. That in itself is a fine thing. Lees are good, unlike, say, Nancy Pelosi, or Jefferts Schori. But even better, for me, is the project of recreating the old No.4 into something like a Lee Speed.

Dark wood. Serious checkering. Express sights. A new trigger. Maybe a re-barrel and, you never know, there's always the option of .375 Flanged Nitro Express. 


SBW (top blog) also recommends a shotgun style safety; he thinks it's more "Sandhurst" and I have to say I'm inclined to agree...

Now some of you might say, "Don't be silly LSP, just go out and buy one." But that's not the point, is it.

Keep pulling the trigger and, as always, have a blessed Sunday.



  1. I love your gun posts! Makes me realize I haven't bought a new gun in over three years, though my dad did give me a Remington 870 for Christmas two years ago...

    Things are so expensive now. Everybody freaks out and buys up all the ammo and guns when a democrat is elected president.

    I'm praying for a Republican victory this fall if for no other reason that for ammo prices to come back down...

  2. Thanks Silverfiddle - I appreciate it. Congrats on the 870 (on my 'wish list'). Can't have too many guns, I always think.

    But it is pricey! Enough to drive a man to the humble .22.

    Maybe that'll change in the fall...
