Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Well that didn't take long...

where's the laptop?
Thieves and hustlers are having a field day at New York's Zuccotti Park, ripping-off expensive Mac computers, donations and even pillaging the makeshift freak encampment for beds and umbrellas while unsuspecting hippies doze.

“I had my Mac stolen -- that was like $5,500. Every night, something else is gone. Last night, our entire [kitchen] budget for the day was stolen. I had umbrellas stolen, a fold-up bed I brought because my back is bad -- they took that, too! The worst thing is there’s people sleeping in the kitchen when they come, and they don’t even know about it! There are some really smart and sneaky thieves here," said Nan Terrie to the New York Post.

dozing hippies
That's strange. Thieves and hippies? Together? Surely not.

And what's an anti-corporate greed protester doing with a five and a half thousand dollar computer anyway. Maybe Macs are somehow "against the man." Don't get me wrong, I'm not some kind of apologist for Mammon but if you go down to the park tonight...

Keep your valuables locked up.



  1. Guess the hippies don't believe in spreading the wealth around when it comes to their stuff.

  2. Actually, it's keep your BRAIN locked up.

    I have no sympathy for eeither side in this diapute.

    A pox on all their houses

  3. Seems to be the case CL; it's all very well trying to take other people's things but when its your own...

  4. Good brains point GT.

    You might remember how it was -- the hippies set up and it starts off with these high ideals, some of them are good or at least well intentioned. Then what happens?

    Things start getting ripped off, hustlers turn up, a few people go blue in 'the park', there's the odd stabbing and before you know it your peace and love Be In becomes little better than a den of thieves.

    As for our usurious friends the bankers...

  5. The laptop wasn't stolen. It was "redistributed."

    Socialism at its finest.
