Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bishops! Pt. II

 Shaw up to some skulduggery at St. Andrewes

The TEC Bishop of Massachusetts is a 'monk', a member of the Society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE). He says he's a 'conservative' and, 'That's all I am, a sign of unity of the whole church.' That's why he married two high-ranking lesbian clergypersons in his Boston cathedral on New Years day. The Revs Mally Loyd and Katherine 'abortion is a blessing' Ragsdale.


Here's a picture of Ragsdale, in scary space creature 'campaign mode'

Top off-world antics, Bishop. Seven Alien Heads.




  1. That "wedding" picture is disgusting.

  2. Is this your church? I know you don't agree with it, but is this your synod or branch?

    If so, you should definitely get the hell out.

  3. I couldn't agree with you more, Adrienne.

  4. Good advice Silverfiddle -- fortunately for me, I'm part of the Diocese of Fort Worth which left the Space Creature church, and's now being sued by the aliens for the effort.

    Ultimately, at least to my mind, the Fort Worthians should team up with the broader Catholic Church - we'll have to see how that plays out...

  5. In a related development, the happy couple will appear on Letterman to re-enact their wedding night in an interpretive dance, titled "Nuptial Mass, Critical Mass". Insiders are saying that the duo have already been offered roles in a new sick-com with Rosie O'Donnell, the working title, "Who's On Top?"

  6. You know that the broader Catholic Church won't be anything like as much fun though...everyone has to rigidly follow the party line, comrades!!

  7. You do have a point Lukeya...

    Vastly looking forward to "Nuptial Mass, Critical Mass" PP - sure fire hit.

