Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Beautiful Vigil Masses at the Missions then a scarifyin' drive to Dallas, where had turned in for the night. So I took advantage of the lull to watch a program about an alien base at Dulce; curious.

Regardless of the impending "disclosure event", here's an interesting, if slightly somber thought:

"When the unstoppable bullet hits the impenetrable wall, we find the religious experience. It is precisely here that one will grow... Heroism could be redefined for our time as the ability to stand paradox."

Robert Johnson wrote that, I found it on the Shirt of Flame blog.

Mind those bullets!

Merry Christmas!



  1. Merry Christmas, LSP (to your beautiful horsey, too)

  2. Thanks Adrienne - Merry Christmas to you & yours!

    God bless.

    ps. horse needs a blanket - taking the cold badly...

  3. Merry Christmas - the blessings of the season under God.

  4. Merry Christ's Mass to you, and may every blessing rest upon you and yours, now and forever.
    Oh, and Slobyskya also sends his blessings, which I would write here but my keyboard won't make the backward characters.
    All the best -

  5. Thanks LL - under God.

    PP - God bless you!

  6. LSP I love your choice of photo for today, it's beautiful! Thank you for the Christmas wishes and may God bless and be with you.

  7. Wishing you Blessings all year through and a Merry Christmas, LSP.

  8. And a very good, Yule/midwinter/Solstice/Jupiter Sol redevivus to everyone.

    Yeshua was probably born in September, remember?

  9. Merry Christmas to you all!

    God bless.
