Monday, December 13, 2010


"They should all be locked up and put in a cage..."
Fr. Bowling on certain bishops

Thanks to the untiring efforts of researchers at Team LSP, I can open this series on "Bishops" with Sean Manchester, leader of Britain's Old Catholic Church, founder of the Sacerdotal Society of the Precious Blood, Superior General of the Order of the Holy Graal, Bishop of Glastonbury(!), and Primate of the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ. You can read about it here, if you have the energy.

Readers may recall that he 'staked out' the Highgate Cemetary Vamp, back in the day, and wrote a book about it.

That's because Sean is a Vampire Hunter. Here he is with a stake.

Sean with tool of the trade - from some Spanish blog

Vampire Hunter? Yes, and for that reason awarded a sturdy six out of ten alien heads.

Well done Sean!



  1. At first I thought this was a joke. Sure wish it was...

    (and what's with that hair??)

  2. It's all too real, oddly.

    I know, his hair does seem to gotten a bit wild lately...

  3. I understand that his emnity toward vampires stems from the fact that the bishop is a lycanthrope. Note the photo you used in which "the change" seems to be well underway! We've notified the good people over at the Immortal Night website, where they ask the perennial question so important to today's culture, "Vampires and Werewolves...allies or enemies?" Now, where's my Warren Zevon album...arroooo!

  4. Well spotted Fr.!

    A change does seem to be underway - stay well clear of 'Trader Vic's'and, er, Highgate Cemetary.


  5. Ah, but whilst sipping a pina colada his hair was perfect.

  6. FN - always enjoyed that song, in a perverse sort of way.

    Perhaps you'd like to contribute to "Bishops!" the series? It's a 'target rich environment'...

  7. I think I speak for everybody when I say "Wait, what?"

  8. I know Bluesun and they're all out there, driving cars - but I have to say I'm more than a little tempted to order a couple of his books. The Highgate one has a certain notoriety...
