Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!


Braved ferocious traffic on I 35 last night to get to LSP HQ Dallas in time for Thanksgiving. My contribution to the thing is Beer Can Chicken - turkey was voted out for some reason, but BCC is fine and I enjoy the grilling.

Regardless, I thank God for the opportunity to be with family and friends, for horses, guns and the privilege of being in Jack Iker's diocese, as opposed to serving somewhere on the lunatic fringe that seems to constitute most of Western Anglicanism.

So, have a blessed day!


PS. if you're looking for something to read you might enjoy this, from pajamas media.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, LSP, hope you're enjoying the day.

  2. Have a wonderful day and stay safe on the highway...

  3. Ahhh, so much to be grateful for and your wonderful photo shows but one of your blessings. I hope you enjoyed the chicken, is it possible that the turkey dinner might have been one of the turkeys that the President gave clemency to today, hence leaving you with only the option of chicken? :-)

  4. We did beer butt chicken last thanksgiving. This year it was more traditional fare and a large family gathering.

    As Adrienne says, do be safe on the highways! We had a few close calls on our way to Granma and Grandpas...

  5. Many thanks for all the good wishes!

    God bless.
