Friday, August 13, 2010

Motor(way) City

Life has a strange way of sending me to Detroit, but I'll spare you the backstory... regardless, after the trial of modern interstate air travel -- not dissimilar to catching a bus from Victoria Station to Canterbury in the '80s in terms of time and discomfort -- I clambered off the plane and into Motor City to see an old friend before going across the river to Canada.

'Red' was using a crowbar to jimmy up great slabs of concrete from his back yard when I arrived. He's fixing up his house you see, which is hard work at the best of times; till then it'll be a little bit Fight Club -- the house should look good when it's done though.

Remarkable city, Detroit; I'm in Windsor now, but if I get the chance I'll venture back across the river for a tour and some pictures, hopefully before the place reverts to wilderness.

Missing guns and horses -- must check out the local range, don't think there's much of a riding opportunity here, annoyingly.




  1. Hello LSP,
    The houses over there really do have some character, it'll be a great home once finished (love the reference to fight club)

  2. Great to hear from you, Murphyfish.

    There's some great property in Detroit - difficult place to live though...

    Glad you like fight club!


  3. Welcome to Canada LSP and I'm sure that if you google a ranch or horseback riding that you can find someplace out there to ride a horse. There's tons of room in Ontario for a horse ranch, plenty of wide open spaces.

    This house is going to be stunning once it's finished, it's beautiful and has so much character!

  4. Hopefully you won't be away from the guns & horses for too long!

  5. Thanks for the welcome, Darlin. Glad you liked my friend's house -- it'll be good when it's done.

    Pretty much confined to Windsor, so won't be able to get out on the farms this time around. Next time though...

    Great to hear from you Julie! Hope all's well 'down under'!

    God bless.
