Friday, June 4, 2010

Texas is Great

Why is Texas great? Well, simply because it is. I like the guns, dogs, horses, BBQ, farms and general sense of freedom, the religion's not bad too - at least from a trad Anglican perspective; lets hope all that increases instead of the opposite. Speaking of farms, here's a picture of Bonnie shifting bales out of her pickup. I offered to help but she just grinned and fired away till they were all sorted in no time flat - Bonnie's 70 - I probably would have slowed her down...

Apologies for not visiting the blogs - life's been strangely busy...

God bless,



  1. I certainly loved my 16 or so years in Houston back when it was an "overgrown cow town" and still consider myself half Texan.

    Your new horsey is beautiful!!

  2. Thanks Adrienne - glad you like the horse. Just got back from moving her to the new home; I'm really pleased with her - good disposition, moves well, seems intelligent. Needs work though but that'll be fun!

  3. Wow, 70 and still swinging bales! Now that is impressive and is what most likely keeps this lady young!

    It sounds like Texas is a wonderful place to be, mind you I've heard that it gets pretty hot there. I'm going to have to add Texas to places I want to visit, maybe not in the middle of your summer though... I'd melt! :-)

    Have a happy weekend LSP!

  4. I think you're right Darlin - 70 and working the bales is impressive!

    It is hot here, though its not so bad if the heat's dry - humidity's difficult...

  5. LSP I try to visit quite a few blogs I follow and sometimes life just throws speed bumps and I can't make it to all so no worries, I am sure you will.

    Texas sure does look great and if I ever have the time I would certainly love to visit.

  6. Rick, you would always be welcome!
