Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Space Alien Face-Off!

Code Pink took exception to their leader the other day, hurling abuse and 'things' at 'Speaker' Pelosi. 'Speaker' appeared to be in the grip of some disease, stating, "You have made your point, you have made your point", but the sub-aliens weren't buying and the "Go home to Gaza" jeers only intensified.

Speculation continues as to whether 'Speaker' is in the throes of Mogadon addiction or merely malcircuiting.

This site stands against the alien/robot invasion.



  1. Not that I am a usageaster, (I know you will have to google this) but "malcircuiting" isn't a word.

    'Mal' for bad -as any British citizen would know, and the wiring, a reference to a defective robot. I wonder if you cryptographically rescript your sermocination; perhaps tropologically?

    hmm, I'm starting to have a little hamartophobia -Is engaging in witwanton writing peccaminous?

    I think I've amused myself enow; I've added "malcircuiting" to my words to keep list

  2. Glad you like malcircuiting; it seemed appropriate somehow.
