Saturday, May 29, 2010

New Horse

A very kind person donated a horse to the cause today, a nine year old thoroughbred mare called Genie who was trained for the track but never raced. We worked her out a little on the lunge line and she did well, then rode her about after being told she hadn't been ridden in seven years and, you never know, I geared myself up all kinds of trouble. It never came, though there'll have to be some work on forward movement and she had a tendency to toss her head about...

My feeling is that she'll go fast, which is fine, and people who know about such things say she could work well at dressage.

So we'll see; I'm looking forward to getting to know a new horse.




  1. Congrats! Your new horse is pretty. Have fun getting to know her.

  2. She's good looking - needs some schooling though, which makes for a good summer project.

  3. Good luck with your new horse and enjoy getting to know her.

  4. Wow, what a beauty and what a blessing!

  5. Thanks CL - I think she'll go fast, which is good and might develop into a jumper; time will tell...

  6. She's certainly a good looking beast, Darlin and a blessing for sure.

  7. Right on! Have a happy Sunday LSP.

  8. You too Darlin - I'm in a strangely good mood... new animal might have something to do with it...

  9. She's a beauty, LSP. Hope you've had a great weekend.

  10. Thanks Snarky - horse has put me in a good mood.
