Sunday, February 21, 2010

Shoot More, Ride More

You'll have to forgive the recent lack of posting but I've been busy, not least with self-examination, which is a Lenten discipline leading to penitence, confession and amendment of life. With that in mind, several things have become very clear after Ash Wednesday, including:

Shoot more

Ride more

So I've been doing both and think it's time to up the ante on the former with a night-time coyote call - there's been plenty of paper punching lately but precious little hunting and it's time to put the AR to practical use. Viz. horses; it's all very well to spend a couple of hours a week on the quadruped, but how are you ever going to really advance on the basis of such minimal acquaintance? A bit like someone wondering why they don't get very far spiritually when all they do is spend an hour and a half in church on Sunday.

Speaking of church - today's Gospel was St. Luke's variant of Our Lord's temptation in the wilderness. Different than Mathew's because the mountain temptation is placed in the middle of the narrative.

With that in mind, it struck me last night that what Luke portrays is an inverse, or diabolic mirror image, of the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai - successfully resisted by Christ, who refers "Old Scratch" to the "first and great commandment" (gotta love the old Prayer Book), by way of Deuteronomy.

If any theologians would like to comment, well, I'd welcome the thought.

Have a blessed Lent.



  1. Hi LSP, well I'm no theologian yet I agree with your comment about spirituality. I find that if I don't carry God within my heart at all times my spirit suffers.

    Great to hear that you are going to shoot more and ride more, do what makes your heart dance!

    Happy shooting.

  2. Good to see you posting again fella.
    Ran into Mike T the other weekend, sends his regards.
    We're all looking forward to your visit

  3. Thanks Darlin - it's certainly important to get out in the field.

    SBW - send best to MT - hope to get over April/May. Will let you know.

