Sunday, August 9, 2009

Churches I Like

Brompton Oratory, South Kensington, London

Sunday started off as per usual, with several Sung Masses at the Missions, then everything changed. I didn't get to try my luck against hogs, wild dogs, horses, or even spurious set up targets out in the countryside. No, there was none of that. Instead I got to drive to Dallas and move furniture for one of my sisters in blistering heat - I gained a bed and a Barbour out of the deal; not bad, but not the same as getting out in the field after worshiping the Alpha and Omega.

Anyway, my mind strayed to the Brompton Oratory in Knightsbridge/South Kensington, which I used to love when living in London. Beautiful music, Latin Mass, no liberal 'nuns' wailing away with guitars, and sidesmen (greeters) with peculiar green tail coats and brass buttons - probably Colonels. Go there if you can and experience transcendent worship; what's the point of any other? After Mass its always fun to knock about and enjoy a pint (or several) at the Grenadier. LSP points out of ten for an outstanding church? I have to give the Oratory a solid 8, which is by no means shabby.

God bless,



  1. I used to attend the Royal College of Music in Prince Consort Road, more or less just round the corner.

  2. Nice - worked in S. Ken in the mid '90s before moving to the States and would walk by the RCM from time to time.

