Friday, June 5, 2009


In Pershore, U.K., the squirrels are running wild, out of hand. So what's to be done? Shoot them? yes, but it's a 'built up area', so MCP traps them and...

They meet their demise.

As I recall, the same mallet/cosh was used against the moles. It's a weighty thing and, at the end of the day, more humane than not. Squirrels end up on BBQ. Well, its not hog, but you get your game where you find it and as SBW reminds us, if you're not prepared to kill what you eat...

On another theme; go to the excellent Boomers site for some well needed Hillaire Belloc + great article viz. Apex rifle. 



  1. Your friend MCP appears to have a priest - the old heritick!

    Have linked to your excellent site.


  2. I know, the ancient heritick seems to be spending an inordinant amount of time on his knees...

    Railway Eye = Outstanding - will commend to all.

