Thursday, May 14, 2020

What Next - UFO Invasion?

The NWO, transnational, ultra rich elite, their puppet political satraps and the entrenched bureaucracy of the Deep State, to say nothing of their agitprop media hate and fear Trump. They hate him so much that they launched a Coup, an Impeachment, and a Plague against Orange Man Bad. 

But nothing's worked. 45 wasn't and isn't a Russian spy, I know, try not to laugh, and he isn't a Ukrainian crime lord like, say, one of the Bidens. Even a nation-destroying Chinese Plague can't seem to stop him, despite the best efforts of WHO, Democrat Governors, bizarro doctors and that great globalist engine, the Chinese Communist Party itself, with all its slave labor.

So what next? Aliens, of course. Maybe they'll put an end to the one who dared to try and make America great again. On topic, you'll note the commander of the 21st Space Wing, Col. Thomas Falzarano, was found dead Tuesday at his home on Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado. May he rest in peace.

Stay tuned and on your guard.

Ad Astra,


Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Justified? No, not 32 top level Democrats including VP Biden using the intelligence apparatus of the state to spy on an American citizen(s), frame and set up an American patriot then launch a soft-power coup against an elected president.

No, not that kind of justice, we're talking about something else. And while we're at it, who told Judge Sullivan to go down the "perjury" route. Hint, "perjury," a word which wasn't used in the Flynn trial, was used by someone else the other day. 

Guess who that was. While you're at it, ask yourself what real justice might look like.

Like this?

Here's hoping.


A Sign

Sometimes a picture's worth a thousand words. So here's a visual aid for Morning Prayer.

Out demons, out!


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Fishing & Antedeluvia

It was an overcast Spring morning in rural Texas and Soldiers Bluff looked beckoning, "Come on down and fish," it seemed to say. Which is what I did, but the fish weren't having any of it, they were lying low and didn't want the juicy, tempting, delicious worms I was throwing in. 

Still, there were a few fossils, rocky remains of ancient crustaceans embedded in the limestone and clay bluff above the lake. To be honest, there's fossils everywhere here, a tangled  mix of roots, branches, shells, and who knows what else, the set in stone remains of ancient cataclysm. I always hope I'll spot something useful, like a T Rex tooth, but not today, just a couple of shells.

Now, some who read this lighthearted mind blog believe fossils like these are at most 6000 years old. If that's the case, what about structures like Gobekli Tepe, which date back to at least 9000 BC? Remarkably ancient and advanced to boot, all at a time when humans were supposed to be grubbing about for nuts, berries and the occasional bit of unfortunate wildlife. 

Two things don't add up here. Firstly, the Word of God in Scripture isn't supposed to be read with a kind of boneheaded, blank-faced literalism. Read it for its truth, for sure, but know this involves poetry, symbol and metaphor as well as literal reckoning. Note, to think this doesn't make you a useless, pathetic, scornworthy, lib heretic. 

Secondly, mankind is very old, with Homo Sapiens appearing earlier and earlier in the fossil record as new discoveries are found. All this in our own century, to say nothing of ignored and anomalous finds in the last two hundred years or so, and the witness of ancient records.

It would be odd, don't you think, if people as intelligent as us remained at the hunter gather stage for several hundreds of thousands of years. Which is exactly what orthodox archeo-anthropology teaches; finds like Gobekli, water erosion on the Sphinx, and on, challenge the narrative. 

That in mind, I decided to challenge the piscine narrative of "no catching" by moving over to the other side of the dam. At first nothing, so I changed rigs in hope of having some sport with the Gar, who were gliding about the pool like deadly, prehistoric submarines.

Good call, LSP, but no Gar. Instead, a fierce  Crappie followed by a ferocious Bass, and a large Bluegill. Result. Then it began to rain and it was time to head for home, mission accomplished.

Fish on,


Monday, May 11, 2020

The Dyslexic Deacon Returns!

Our old friend, England's Dyslexic Deacon is back and he's back in force with a Lambeth Kitchen Liturgy infographic. Well done, Deacon, we are not worthy to batter the crumbs under thy table.

By way of context, Church of England clergy have been banned by Archbishop Justsin Wobbly, and associated bishops from entering their churches, all to stop the spread of the China Virus. 

How solo worship in kitchens, as opposed to churches, keeps the plague away is presently unclear.  

The Lard be with you,


Sunday, May 10, 2020

Thug Got Shot

Country boy survival aside, was Ahmaud Arbery a tragic victim or just another ghetto lowlife who got himself shot while ripping up the neighborhood?

After listening to WSF's wisdom I'd now say the vote's out on the above.

Black Guns Matter,


Happy Mothers Day!

I feel this is appropriate, via Domini res gestas:

Te, Mater alma Numinis,
Oramus omnes supplices,
A fraude nos ut dæmonis
Tua sub umbra protegas.
Ob perditum nostrum genus
Primi parentis crimine,
Ad inclitum Matris decus
Te Rex supremus extulit.
Clementer ergo prospice
Lapsis Adami posteris:
A te rogatus Filius
Deponat iram vindicem.


Loving Mother of God, we all humbly pray to you, that you protect us and shade us from the fraud of the demons. For the sake of our race lost in the sin of our first parent, the King supreme raised you up to the great glory of being his mother. Therefore, show your mercy to the fallen posterity of Adam, and at your intercession may your Son put aside his avenging anger.

Latin, I've always thought, is a martial language. Whatever, the hymn concludes:

Iesu, tibi sit gloria,
Qui natus es de Vírgine,
Cum Patre et almo Spiritu,
In sempiterna sæcula. Amen.

Yes indeed, and happy Mothers Day! God bless you and may the Virgin's powerful intercession be with you.

A fraude nos ut dæmonis tua sub umbra protegas,


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Rambling Man

Build the Wall.



So What Next?

The states are starting to open up again as we discover the Chinese Plague bioweapon's not going to kill everyone. Thank God. So, what next? Don't forget, readers, anything could happen in the next few months and let's hope it's not a shooting war in the South China Sea.

In the meanwhile, the former head of the CIA, Commie, Islamist John Brennan is getting poetic on social media, and the Magic 0's making panic calls to try and keep Ukraine quiet. 

Some argue space aliens live amongst us.

Ad Astra,


Friday, May 8, 2020

VE Day - Queen Addresses World

I cannot add to this, so I won't. "Never give up, never despair... they died so we could live as a free people in a world of free nations."

God bless you, Ma'am.


Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Road Goes On Forever

Because today is a good day, a great day, here's some celebratory RE Keen and the Highwaymen. The road goes on forever, yes indeed.

And if you're dismayed by YouStasi taking down Dr. Judy Mikovits don't worry, it's on Bitchute. Don't be shy Check it out.

Your Ally,


What A Beautiful Day

What, you're in a good mood, dubiously named "LSP," something positive to say? We won't say Hell just froze over. That's right, readers of this inconsequential kebab stand on the information superhighway, today is a good day, a great day because charges against General Flynn were dropped.


Because this is an uplifting post I won't go into the way an American hero, patriot and gentleman was framed by corrupt cops, forced into making a false confession, bankrupted, his family threatened with prosecution and all the rest. 

A Typical Badger

I can hardly contain my disgust, my revulsion at the corrupt bureaucrats who set about to ruin this good man. So I won't get into it.

Can You Excuse This Thing's Tie? No, Neither Can I, And That's The Least of It.

No, I won't detail the brazen, shameless, treasonous, makes-Watergate-look-innocent malfeasance committed by Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Strozk, Page, the  Mueller gang et al. So where does the buck stop? How about Hillary, Biden and the Magic 0; let's see some justice. In the meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the moment, but that's not all.

Comin' At You

The House Intel Committee's finally released transcripts from the Mueller coup investigation and bug-eyed Schiff's thrashing, twisting and lying in enraged fear. Let's see the what? Three, four year Trump's a Russian Agent! scam exposed for what it was, a phoney, faked up, criminal fraud. And, remarkably, the good news continues.


Shelley, remember her, the Dallas hairdresser who was imprisoned and fined by an Obama judge figure? Yes, that's the one. She was freed today because Texas' Supreme Court ordered it. Good work, Texan Justices. I mean to say, go figure, let's release all these criminals from jail so we can fill their cages with business owners trying to make a living. Not in the Lone Star State, nossir.

So there it is, what a day. Now let's see some justice applied to the coup conspirators and while we're at it, maybe Biden needs to take a Tara Reade polygraph and Roger Stone exonerated along with General Flynn. You know, just to make our joy complete.

Your Buddy,