Sunday, October 17, 2021

Archbishop Vigano Calls It


Unlike the rest of the hierarchy, Italian Archbishop Maria Vigano's no stranger to speaking truth to power. Here he is, via Gateway Pundit:

Archbishop Vigano: It now seems clear to me that we are facing a siege on both the social and religious front. The so-called emergency pandemic has been utilized as a false pretext to impose the vaccination and Green Pass in many nations of the world in a simultaneous and coordinated way… They support them in this wicked plan and go so far as to condemn those who do not accept being subjected to inoculation with an experimental gene serum, with unknown side effects, that does not impart any immunity from the virus, to say nothing of the moral implications related to the presence of genetic material derived from aborted fetuses, which for a Catholic is a more than sufficient reason to not receive the vaccine. We are at war, a war that is not openly declared, that is not fought with conventional weapons, but a war all the same… The alliance is not between state and church. But it is between the deep state and deep church.

Vigano goes on to declare, “The vaccine victims are sacrificed at the altar of Moloch.”


We are at war, a war that is not openly declared, that is not fought with conventional weapons, but a war all the same. Yes, a war which is won under the standard of the Cross.

In related news, why are these two kooks in a hospital bed? Because science, which proves men can have babies even though they can't. But they can have paternity leave while the nation's transport system falls apart.

Word on the street is that truckers aren't too keen on delivering to vax mandate devil states. Who knows, perhaps Pete Buttgig and his... wife will learn how to make their own baby formula as the supply chain collapses. I hope so, for the sake of the children.




  1. Unreal isn't it. In a hospital bed like one of them actually gave birth.

  2. I've finally discovered what bothers me the most about that photo of these two guys and the babies. It's about them, not the children! They're gazing into each other's eyes, and the swaddled babies are props. Any new mother, in a similar photo, besides looking very tired, will be looking at her child!

  3. Those two would be first to go when the zombie apocalypse hits. We can rescue the children after and give them a normal upbringing. Gag.

  4. I feel so sorry for those children, robbed by these two sodomites of a healthy, normal and moral childhood. Booty-Judge, another lost RC who is never held accountable for his public sinning by the Church. Kyrie Eleison!

    On a cheerier note, we had a great turnout for our Call to Holiness weekend here in the Motor City. Friday Vespers, great presentation by Bishop Anthanasius Schneider at yesterday's dinner, and who was also the celebrant at today's Pontifical Mass. Lovely music, lots of priests and faithful. Today's gospel: the King who forgives 10,000 talents of debt to a servant who turns around and tries to collect a day's wage from another servant.

  5. Kid, surely we're close to peak insanity? Please? Any further and we slide off the edge.

  6. Katherine, you nailed it. Good shot!

  7. Totally agree, WSF. Right in the X Ring.

  8. That's great news, DOS! Now I'm uplifted.

    Haven't been to Mass in the Motor City for a few years but remember a church not too far from Wayne State/Cass Ave etc that offered the Latin Mass. I liked it. Anglicans have Fr. Kelley's church across the road from the Fox Theater. Mariner's Church has, I think, left the evil Episcopal Diocese of Michigan and gone "independent," or something like that.

    Happy Feast of St. Luke.

  9. Adrienne, I think I have to post K's comment. Perfect.

  10. The Archbishop has nailed it, straight on and without deflection.

    Principalities and powers. Lots and lots of powers.

    I read the whole book, though. They think they're ahead now, but they lose in the end, big time. So they have that going for them, so to speak.

    You've got to give the Butt Guy a little credit, though. He grifted us into paying for his maternity leave.......

  11. He's right on zero, WWW. At least that's my take.

    Then there's the Butt fraud.
