Showing posts with label voter fraud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label voter fraud. Show all posts

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Deep Fix


We all have options, free will. You can, for example, choose to vote or you can invest in technology to rig the vote, don't say Dominion. Fine, such is choice, but wherein lies freedom, true freedom? Augustine tells us it's found in choosing the good, anything else rapidly turns to slavery.

That in mind, I fired up the grill. It beat thinking about the deep fix our rulers and their agitprop media have been busy foisting on the country. You can imagine the backroom deals. "Sure, you get the presidency and we get to keep the Senate. C'mon man, we'll split Congress!" and the profits.

Neat plan and it's being celebrated right now by the propaganda arm of the State, as the Corpse tells a car park he's the 46th President of the United States. Only problem being, with apologies to the now hated Boris Johnson, is that he's not. There's still that pesky problem of free will to be dealt with in the form of votes.

Yes, hundreds of thousands of them which may or may not be legal. We'll see, no one's conceded yet and even if the Corpse wins this battle, a significant portion of the electorate won't believe it, and with good reason. They'll feel cheated by a gang of thieves who stole their freedom with suitcases and coolers full of ballots in the dead of night.

Sure, the fix was in but this war is far from over, just don't drop your hammer on the scorecard on the way out. And the burgers were delicious.



Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Stand Steady


Everything looking a bit rocky, as though our constitutional republic's devolving into some kind of banana variant? Stand steady gentlemen and women. Juliette, this one's for you:

Do not give an inch against the globalist, Illuminati, NWO threat to all our liberties and freedom. We  will win this fight. Useless monkey regardless.

Your Friend,


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Detroit, More Corrupt Than Zimbabwe

Remember the pathetic Clinton campaign to win the election through Shill Stein? Via ZeroHedge:

"Today, we learn from the Detroit News, to our "complete surprise," that the "voting irregularity" rabbit hole in Detroit is a bit deeper than initially thought. According to a memo penned by Wayne County election officials, 95 of the 662 precincts in Wayne County waited several days before delivering their poll books to canvassers and 5 of those poll books are still 'missing' even today.+

Detroit People Picking Their Way Through The Trash

Go figure. You can read the whole sordid tale of Democrat venality, corruption and malfeasance here.

It's Coming Back, Man

Who knows, maybe Trump will bring manufacturing back to the once famous automotive capital of the world. 

On the other hand, maybe it'd be better to build a wall. Around. The. Ghetto.

Your call,